I have just had the final MOT and service on my EV before it goes back to the leasing company which has unwittingly provided content for this brief post-script on my experience over the past four years. The car, whilst only having travelled less than 70,000 miles in that past four years failed its MOT spectacularly by doing so on every single point. The tyres, all of which were replaced 12 months ago and had only done 15,000 miles, needed to be replaced, the rear suspension was shot (no doubt due to such a heavy battery ladened vehicle having to travel on our medieval roads), along with numerous less expensive things that had to be replaced. Fortunately, my FD had the sense to take out a comprehensive service plan with the car and I suspect that deal was not at all lucrative for the leasing company. So goodbye and good riddance to my Electric Vehicle, I hope I don’t have to experience another one at all in the future and EV's get consigned to the same hell as the Sinclair C5, 8 track, Betamax, and 3-D TV.